Record Query ValidValues (Init) Service

Use this web service for the following:

  • To list of initial and valid values for all attributes as defined by the rulebase and specified for the repository.
  • To provide access privileges configured for attributes.
  • To list the list of valid relationship types available for a given record.

The most common use case of this web service is to query the value of a drop-down attribute, which is dependent on the value of another drop-down attribute. This service works on attribute values supplied by the request.

Response XML Structure of Service

The Response XML structure of the Record Query ValidValues service supports the relationships across catalogs. To switch to a backward compatible response structure, set the Backward compatible Web Service Replies property in the Configurator to true. Setting this property to true enables backward compatible responses for catalogs, which do not have relationships across catalogs. ValidValues response for catalogs having relationships across catalogs will always have a new response structure irrespective of the value of the property. The default value of this property is false.