Installing X Server

X Server should be running, if you plan to upload images for any records maintained using TIBCO MDM. TIBCO MDM uses the X server's rendering buffer to resize an image when it is uploaded. The DISPLAY environment variable is used in conjunction with the X server.

X Server

One popular X server is RealVNC ( Some UNIX distributions come with a bundled X server or with the VNC X server pre-installed.

For example, to start VNC on a machine running Linux,


  1. Run the following VNC server command: [vsadmin@hqstage01 vsadmin]$ vncserver
    A message is displayed to create a password, which is required to access your desktop.
  2. Type the password.
    The following message is displayed: New 'X' desktop is
  3. Set the DISPLAY environment variable as follows: export
    If image upload does not work even though the VNC Server is running, add the following property in the generic JVM arguments:
    • Default startup script is available in: /home/vsadmin/.vnc/xstartup
    • Starting applications specified in: /home/vsadmin/.vnc/xstartup
    • Log file is located in: /home/vsadmin/.vnc/