Creating New Operations

After creating a participant of type Partner, create a participant of type Host.


  1. Click BusinessConnect > Operations Editor.
  2. In the Operations Editor window, click Edit for the EZComm protocol.
  3. In the Edit Operations: EZComm window, click the New Category tab and select EZComm protocol and save the new category.
  4. Click New Version to create a new version for new category. Specify details and Save the version.
  5. Click the New Operation tab to create a new operation for this version.
  6. In the Operation Type drop-down list, select Asynchronous Request-Response and click OK.
  7. In the Asynchronous Request-Response tab, enter a name for the new operation.
  8. In the Request Action tab and select the Require Digital Signature and Require Content Encryption check boxes.
  9. Click the Response Action tab and select the check boxes as previously mentioned.
  10. Click Save to save the newly created operation.