Data Type for Attributes

The Data Types for Attributes table lists the data types used for attributes.

Data Types for Attributes
Data Type Description
Date Can be in any of the supported Date formats.

Note: The attribute data type cannot be changed from Date to String.

Timestamp Timestamp format allows you to select the date, time, and time zone together. You can add the Timestamp data type for a single value, multivalue, and relationship attributes. TIBCO MDM supports the following Timestamp formats:
  • YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss.S
    YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss.S AM/PM
    YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss.S z
    YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss.S z AM/PM

    For more information on these formats and their usage, refer to Creating a User.

    You can also use the Timestamp data type in a rulebase. The date is converted to timestamp with 00 time before performing the operations.

    • You can assign timestamp to a date variable or an attribute, it results in truncation of time portion.
    • Similarly, you can assign a timestamp variable or attribute to a date variable, the date is converted to timestamp with 00 time.

      For more information, refer to TIBCO MDM Studio Rulebase Designer User’s Guide.

Integer Can have a maximum scale of 10 and value must be less than 2147483648.

The number can be represented as (p,s) where p is the precision and s is the scale and then describe everything with respect to precision and scale. Can have maximum scale of 7 and a maximum precision of 30. The non-fractional part can be 23. Also, it can be 22 + decimal point + scale of 7.

The decimal value defined for the decimal type attribute for a repository gets rounded up. For example, when you create a record with decimal attribute value as 60001111444466668888999.7832521.

String The default length of a string attribute is determined by configuration, and unless changed, it is 256 characters. If zero is specified, default is assumed.
File The default length of a File attribute is determined by configuration, and unless changed, it is 256 characters.
Amount This can have a maximum scale of 8 and a maximum precision of 30.
Boolean The boolean attribute can take the false, true, FALSE, or TRUE value. Note that mixed case is not allowed, that is, a value such as False or True is not allowed.

It can have a maximum length of five characters.

Custom Decimal

The number can be represented as (p,s) where p is the precision and s is the scale and then describe everything with respect to precision and scale. Use Custom Decimal if you need to store decimals that have more than eight digits in the fractional part. Can have a maximum scale of 29 and a maximum precision of 30. The non-fractional part of the number can have a maximum of 29 digits. However, this will work only if your database supports the fractional part of a decimal to be over eight decimal places.

The default values are:

scale(12) + decimal point (1) + integer part (18) = 31 (maximum length)

Long Long is a primitive data type that maps to Java Long. The behavior is similar to the Integer data type. The maximum length is 19.
URL URL is a derived data type based on the String data type. The behavior is similar to the String data type, except for the following:
  • Length: The default length is 256 and the maximum length is 4000. The Length cannot be zero (0) or more than the maximum length.
  • UI Representation: The URL view is a hyperlink. If you click the link, the URL opens in another tab.
For information on customizing the data types, refer to Customization Guide.