Using Multiple Versions of General Interface

This release of the application ships with General Interface (GI) version 3.6.1. If you have custom pages created using another version of GI, complete these steps.

Note: You cannot overwrite version 3.6.1. The InputMap and OutputMap functionality runs on version 3.6.1. If version 3.6.1 is overwritten, the InputMap and OutputMap functionality may not work as expected.


  1. Create a new directory in any location. For example, C:\NewGI.
  2. Copy your GI project to the newly created directory including JSXAPPS folder. For example, copy the $MQ_HOME/common/standard/samples/JSXAPPS folder to the NewGI directory.
  3. Copy the required GI libraries, GI_HOME/JSX folder, to the newly created directory. For example, copy C:\tibco\gi\3.4\JSX to the C:\NewGI folder.
  4. Expand the ECM.ear using the jar command as follows.
    1. Create a temporary directory called newECM and copy ECM.ear to this directory.
    2. Execute the following command to expand $MQ_HOME/ECM.ear into newECM/ECM.ear folder:
    3. $JAVA_HOME/bin/jar -xvf $MQ_HOME/ECM.ear
  5. Expand EML.war using the jar command as follows.
    1. Create a temporary directory newEML and expand ECM.ear/EML.war to this directory.
    2. Execute the following command to expand EML.war into newECM/newEML/EML.war.

      $JAVA_HOME/bin/jar -xvf ../ECM.ear/EML.war

      cd EML.war.

      You should see two folders JSXAPPS and JSX. The JSXAPPS folder contains the application files of General Interface (GI) and the JSX folder contains the GI libraries.

  6. Copy the newly created directory under EML.war.
  7. Copy the custom GI project to the JSXAPPS folder under the EML.war folder.
  8. Use the jar command and re-create the EML.war and the ECM.ear as follows.
    1. From the EML.war folder, execute following command to re-create EML.war file in ECM.ear folder.

      $JAVA_HOME/bin/jar -cvf ../../ECM.ear/EML.war ./*.*

    2. Change to the ECM.ear folder:

      cd ../../ECM.ear

    3. From the ECM.ear folder, execute the following command to re-create the ECM.ear file:

      $JAVA_HOME/bin/jar -cvf ../ECM.ear ./*.*

  9. Verify that the NewGI/JSX and NewGI/JSXAPPS are in EAR (ECM.earEML.warNewGIJSX and ECM.earEML.warNewGIJSXAPPS).
  10. Set the relevant properties using the Configurator (Advanced > UI Customization). Change the URL accordingly for JSX path. For example:
    Note: Path provided for jsxsrc is case sensitive. If jsxsrc is not specified in the URL, the default JSX libraries are used.
  11. Redeploy and restart the application server.
  12. Login to the application.
  13. Navigate to the screen which you have redirected to a custom page. For example, if you have redirected the Add Record screen to a custom page, navigate to the Add Record screen. The custom GI page should be displayed.
    Note: To verify the GI version used by the application, press Alt + Ctrl + Shift + J after loading the GI application. A popup with the details of the GI version is displayed.