Repository Indexing

The repository indexing is used in the migration utility for backward compatibility.

Note: Ensure that Repository is a part of the Index Configuration file as an entity.

The migration utility includes the following options for repository indexing:

$./textIndexMigration.shfromDate <begin_date>

                                                – toDate <end_date>

                                                  – repositories <Customer, Account, and so on>

                                                  – orgName <organization name>

                                                  – enterpriseName <enterprise name>

                                                  – mode <create,recreate,drop, optimize>


  • fromDate 
Optional. Specifies the minimum date. The MODDATE must be in order for the record to be indexed. If not specified, no minimum date is required of a record.
  • ToDate
Optional. Specifies the maximum date. The MODDATE must be in order for the record to be indexed. If not specified, no maximum date is required for a record to be indexed.

    For example, to index a limited number of records per the date of modification, specify the –fromDate or –toDate parameters.

Note: The date format must be yyyy-MM-dd.
  • Repositories 
Optional. A comma separated list of repositories specified as a single entity in the IndexerConfig.xml file is indexed. If not specified, all repositories are indexed. The repositories that are file are indexed.
  • orgName
Optional. The name of the organization for which repositories should be indexed. Only one of the arguments orgName, Repositories, or Enterprise should be used. If not specified, all repositories irrespective of organization will be indexed.
  • enterpriseName
Required. The name of the enterprise for which all repositories should be indexed. If not specified, all repositories will be indexed irrespective of the enterprise.
  • Mode
Required. The index can be created, recreated, or dropped.
    • Use Create mode while indexing repositories or records. Using Create mode in the existing index may cause a duplicate index entry.
    • Use Recreate mode for offline indexing. The Recreate mode drops the entire index and then re-creates it.
    • The Drop mode deletes the records from the index and can be used to drop the entity.