Parameter Type

The type specifies what the expected type of the variable is. The native parameter types are: “string”, “long”, “boolean”, and “arraylist”.

There are also two object types which correspond to specific implementations of objects in the system: “document” and “recordlist”.

  • string: String variables can be used wherever strings are expected, such as file names and keyword parameters. Valid values are alphanumeric characters of any length.
  • long: This variable can hold numeric values (including decimal numbers).
  • boolean: This variable can take the value true or false (case insensitive).
  • arraylist: An ArrayList can hold more than one object. For example, it can store a set of strings and so on.
  • recordlist: An object defined by TIBCO MDM to represent a list of records. The record list can be created explicitly. (using the ManageRecordCollection activity) or implicitly by many activities. This object is defined by:
    • VersionOption: Lets you choose records based on state.
    • Base object.
    • Repository: The record data will be read from the repository.
    • Catalog: The record data will be read from the catalog, in the output format selected in the catalog.
    • Relationship Names: Record relationships that are included while creating a record bundle.
    • VersionDate: The data (records and relationships) are selected based on the date specified.

      Record List can be writable or read only. A read-only record list is explicitly created by specifying a “setReadOnly” flag in the ManageRecordCollection activity. Such record lists cannot be modified so they should be set as input to the activities which modify the record list.

      The record List contains bundles of records. That is, for every record included in the record list, all activities would process the record bundle created as the included record as “root”, and all records related to this record based on specified relationships.

  • document: The Document object is an encapsulation of the MLXML document and can used as a DOM. The usual method to access any data in the document is XPATH.
    • Name: This corresponds to the internal name of the parameter. This cannot be changed by the user.
    • Eval: The evaluation attribute specifies where you get an argument from. The location/source of the argument value is completely divorced from the usage of the value. Therefore, the parameter value can come from anywhere, as long as it ends up with a valid value.
  • file: Defines parameter of type File.
  • date: Defines parameter of type Date.
  • timestamp: Defines parameter of type Timestamp.