Additional Parameters

Some activities also allow additional parameters to be passed in. They are included in detail with the description of each activity.

  • Inputs into a rulebase

    Some activities such as EvaluateRulebase and IdentifyProtocolOperations allow you to pass in parameters that match input variables declared in the rulebase. These are then passed in to the rulebase for further processing.

  • Inputs to a form template

    Email templates can specify tags that are not specified in the form file. In this case, the tag value will be retrieved from inputs to the Send activity.

  • Store as name/value pairs

    Some activities such as UpdateEvent or CreateWorkitem take additional parameters and store them in “detail” tables. These can then be accessed by the same names by other components.

  • To track execution paths

    Any variable can be added to an activity to track the execution paths. Let’s say you have a branch in the workflow depending on a certain action: delete, modify, or add. Then further down in the workflow you might want to send an email. One of the tags in the email might be the action that was required. Rather than have to code the branch again, just add a new parameter called MessageAction (any name not already in use is acceptable) to the activities in the first branch. Set parameter to “Delete”, “Modify”, or “Add”. It will have no immediate use in the first activity, but will be set in the workflow context. Then, when it is time to send the email, this parameter can be retrieved from the workflow context, and the correct action is passed to the Email template.