Single Sign-Ons

You can set up TIBCO MDM to be used along with other authentication servers to support single sign-on.

Note: Single sign-on with other authentication servers is not mandatory. If you do not use an authentication server for single sign-on or do not plan to manage user authentication for TIBCO MDM logon using authentication servers, skip this section.
The single sign-on plugins are provided as examples. These can be customized to implement other methods of single sign-on. The supported platforms are:
  • Any LDAP v3 compliant server, such as, Sunone Directory Server.
  • IBM's Tivoli Access Manager.
  • Computer Associates eTrust SiteMinder.
Single Sign-Ons
Types of Single Sign-on Description
LDAP Single Sign-On With LDAP, you are expected to use LDAP authentication to access the TIBCO MDM application and the same LDAP information can be used to bypass the first login screen if single sign-on is configured (for instance, SiteMinder or TAM or Oblix).

Preferred LDAP Platforms

Verify that the systems and software at your site meet the following requirements:

  • Sunone Directory Server
  • LDAP Server: Oblix COREid
  • Tivoli Access Manager (TAM)
SiteMinder Single Sign-on Organizations using Computer Associates eTrust SiteMinder for access management can configure TIBCO MDM to work with SiteMinder. When TIBCO MDM is configured to use the user authentication from SiteMinder, end users will bypass the TIBCO MDM login screen when accessing the TIBCO MDM application.