Rulebase Errors

Rulebase Errors
Error Code Error Description
RUL-4510 <Parameter name='ERRORMESSAGE'> for user <Parameter name='RUL-4501'>, organization <Parameter name='RUL-4502'>, business process rule <Parameter name='RUL-4503'>, template name <Parameter name='RUL-4504'>
RUL-4601 Failed while evaluating rulebase for <Parameter name='CATALOG_ATTRIBUTE'> using rulebase file <Parameter name='FILENAME'>.
RUL-4602 Error performing <Parameter name='OPERATION'> operation, with variable <Parameter name='VARIABLE'> of data type <Parameter name='DATATYPE'> and <Parameter name='VARIABLE2'> of data type <Parameter name='DATATYPE2'>.
RUL-4603 Error in <Parameter name='OPERATION'> operation, while converting <Parameter name='NAME'>, value <Parameter name='VALUE'> of data type <Parameter name='DATATYPE'> into data type <Parameter name='DATATYPE2'>.
RUL-4606 Rule <Parameter name='RULENAME'> contains irresolvable link variable <Parameter name='VARIABLE'>. Check rule to ensure variable declaration.
RUL-4607 Required arguments not provided for <Parameter name='NAME'>. This rule requires atleast 1 argument.
RUL-4610 Rule <Parameter name='RULENAME'> contains undeclared variable <Parameter name='VARIABLE'>. Check rule to ensure variable declaration.
RUL-4611 Rulebase <Parameter name='CUSTOM_FUNCTION_NAME'> custom function failed. The function was specified in <Parameter name='FILENAME'> file. Exception message was: <Parameter name='EXCEPTIONMESSAGE'>.
RUL-4612 Duplicate rule constraint name <Parameter name='RULENAME'> in file <Parameter name='FILENAME'>. Provide unique constraint name.
RUL-4613 Unnamed rule in file <Parameter name='FILENAME'>. Correct rule constraint and assign unique name.
RUL-4614 Rulebase <Parameter name='FILENAME'> not found. Ensure file exists.
RUL-4615 Duplicate inclusion of rulebase <Parameter name='CHILD'> in rulebase <Parameter name='PARENT'> detected. Rulebase can be included only once.
RUL-4616 Inclusion of rulebase <Parameter name='CHILD'> in rulebase <Parameter name='PARENT'> generates a cyclic inclusion which is not allowed.
RUL-4617 Variable <Parameter name='VARIABLE'> in rulebase <Parameter name='FILENAME'> defined more than once.
RUL-4618 Rulebase <Parameter name='FILENAME'> contains empty variable declaration.
RUL-4619 Mismatch in number of conditions in Rule Model XML and business process rule. Indicates incorrect application configuration.
RUL-4620 Invalid rulebase type defined for a repository. Valid values are VALIDATION, SEARCH, or INITIALIZATION.
RUL-4621 Only literal can be specified.
RUL-4622 Invalid refresh option specified.
RUL-4623 Invalid datatype <Parameter name='VALUE'> specified.
RUL-4624 Invalid variable usage <Parameter name='VALUE'> specified.
RUL-4625 Invalid rounding method <Parameter name='VALUE'> specified.
RUL-4626 Invalid usage of array for variable <Parameter name='NAME'>.
RUL-4627 Duplicate check not supported for multi-valued attribute <Parameter name='ATTRIBUTE_NAME'>.
RUL-4628 Java API <Parameter name='NAME'> incorrectly specified. It should be specified as classname.methodname.
RUL-4629 Java API not found: <Parameter name='NAME'>.
RUL-4630 Java API <Parameter name='NAME'> failed with error <Parameter name='EXCEPTIONMESSAGE'>.
RUL-4631 No matching method found: <Parameter name='NAME'>.
RUL-4632 Error in <Parameter name='OPERATION'> operation. Check rule to ensure correct use of variables and operators.
RUL-4633 No rulebase or DecisionTable is specified in include action.
RUL-4634 Required arguments not provided for <Parameter name='NAME'>. This rule requires atleast 2 arguments.
RUL-4635 Attribute name <Parameter name='NAME'> not valid.
RUL-4636 Invalid version keyword <Parameter name='NAME'>.
RUL-4637 Too many arguments to the rule. Specify no more than <Parameter name='NUMBER'>.
RUL-4638 SourceID null or empty.
RUL-4639 A rule model with this name already exists.