Database specific error
The following exception is displayed in
Unable to get managed connection for java:jboss/eCMDataSource
The exception may get display due to the following reasons:
- PostgreSQL is not running.
- PostgreSQL initialization failed.
- MDM database schema does not exist.
To resolve this error, perform the following steps:
pg_start.bat/.sh and
pg_stop.bat/.sh to start and stop PostgreSQL Server. The files are located at
pg_init.bat/.sh to initialize the PostgreSQL database instance. The files are located at
Perform the following tasks:
- Create the missing tablespace directories:
$MQ_HOME/bin/pgsql/tablespaces/velodbdata $MQ_HOME/bin/pgsql/tablespaces/velodbindx
Ensure that the logged in user is the owner and has full permission to access these directories.
- Execute
install.bat from $MQ_HOME/db/postgreSQL/install and type the following:
$MQ_HOME/bin/pgsql localhost 5432 postgres
USERNAME "" mdmuser mdmpassword
USERNAME is the logged-in user name.
$MQ_HOME/bin/pgsql/tablespaces/velodbdata $MQ_HOME/bin/pgsql/tablespaces/velodbindx dev dev
Verify if the MDM schema exists by starting the PostgreSQL Administration console. To start the console, run
pgAdmin3.bat/.sh from
Other ActiveSpaces servers with different versions communicating with each other
The following warning message is displayed in the JBoss Console:
Message received from older version or unknown source, bad magic_number
Modify and properties specified in the
ConfigValues.xml file as follow:
<ConfValue description="Provide the unicast discovery urls for AS." name="AS unicast discovery URLS" propname="" sinceVersion="8.2" visibility="Advanced">
<ConfListString value=""/>
<ConfValue description="Provide the listen url for AS." name="AS Listen URL" propname="" sinceVersion="8.2" visibility="Advanced">
<ConfString default="tcp://" value="tcp://"/></ConfValue>