CreateWorkItem Parameters and Valid Execution Modes

The valid execution mode for CreateWorkItem is SYNCHR or ASYNCHR.

The parameters of CreateWorkItem are as follows:

CreateWorkItem Parameters
Name Semantics Type Valid Values Multi-plicity
Direction: In
(Optional) You can save any arbitrary value into work item details. These values can be used for reports, or in customization of inbox descriptions. Name is any arbitrary name. string   0..n


Forwards request to custom servlet if TaskType is CATALOGMERGERECORD. This parameter is used only for customization. string Name of the custom servlet that is defined in the Web.xml file. 0..1
Error severity
(Optional) See Common Parameters.      
(Optional) Type of expiry date. Time is specified as DD:hh:mm:ss. for relative and as MM:DD:hh:mm:ss for absolute.

Relativeloop is an extension of relative in which timeouts are attempted several times.

COMPUTE is a generic way to calculate work item expiry date based on record attributes. The Rulebase parameter should be defined; it will be used to compute the target expiry date. The actual expiry date will be
expiry date = Launch Date( output from rulebase ) - RemindBeforeNumberOfDays

Based on the value of ReminderNumber (reminders generated so far), the 'Reminder Setup' rule can be configured to get values of RemindBeforeNumberOfDays and email addresses to send the reminder email to. Rules should be set such that for each Reminder number, only one value for RemindBeforeNumberOfDays would be returned (although any number of email addresses can be returned).

When a record is edited or a work item revivified, expiry date is recompute and updated into the work item. If the recompute expiry date differs from the old expiry date, the Reminder number is set to zero.

(Optional) Relative or absolute time when this work item is no longer valid. If such a time occurs without the work item being closed, the workflow will be revived with a TIMEDOUT event which can be polled in the outgoing transitions of this activity.

The work item timeout is computed at regular intervals when MqRevivify runs. Depending upon the process interval time of MqRevivify, the work item timeout may happen after the specified duration has expired.

For example:

expiryDate=24 hrs, MqRevivify interval=30 min, the timeout may take place after 24 hrs 30 mins.

string See ExpiryType. 0..1


The filename of a work item form. Use the filename for passing parameters between the workflow and the UI and for specifying how to render the fields of the document (readonly and readwrite). string A file on disk. In general, form files reside in MQ_COMMON_DIR/<standard or enterprisename>/form 1
(Mandatory) The fully qualified classname of an XMLC generated HTML class file to use for presenting the document. string A valid class name (can be either custom or predefined). 1
(Optional) The name of an XMLC file used as the body of an email to send to a work item participant for notification. The XMLC page can have an anchor element called inboxUrl. The href attribute of an email sets to the address of the inboxUrl as specified in the Configurator. string A class file generated using XMLC. 0..1


The name of an XMLC file used as the body of an email to send reassignment email to a work item participant for notification. string A class file generated using XMLC. 0..1


The name of an XMLC file used as the body of an email to send delegation email to a work item participant for notification. string A class file generated using XMLC. 0..1
(Optional) The type of mail to send. If LINK is specified, a link to the inbox is sent. In future, other types (such as sending the entire HTML form) will be available. string
(Mandatory) See Common Parameters.      
(Optional) Threshold used to hide/show information messages generated during rulebase validation. long 0 – 9.

Default value is 1, show all information messages with level greater than 1.

(Optional) Intent of the work item. string Any String. 

Out-of-workflow defines Edit, Approval, Correction, Associate TradingPartner and Conflict Resolution. 0..n
(Optional) Number of times the work item can timeout. long Any whole number, if not specified, ONE is assumed. This parameter is applicable for RELATIVELOOP and COMPUTE only. 0..n
(Mandatory) Specify the person or role that should participate in this work item. If ParticipantType is ROLE, this parameter corresponds to a RoleID. If ParticipantType is MEMBER, ParticipantID is a MemberID. long Any MemberID or RoleID as appropriate. 1..n
(Optional) The type of participant.

If you do not specify the value for this parameter, by default MEMBER is considered.

string When statically specified, the type can be MEMBER or ROLE, and the value must be a valid member or role in the supplier’s organization. 1..n
RecordAttributeName or
(Optional) Name of the record attribute which should be extracted from the records associated with the work item.
Attention: This option is kept for backward compatibility. With the 9.1.0 release or later, if you have selected Searchable and Display in Record List options while creating attributes, those attributes are automatically configured to be associated with work items.
string The name of the attribute for which value should be extracted for Inbox search.

You must specify the value in upper case. For example,

<Parameter direction="in" eval="constant" type="string" name="RecordAttributeName">
<Parameter direction="in" eval="constant" type="string" name="RecordAttributeName1">
(Optional) Number of days before the expiry a reminder be generated. long Any whole number, if not specified, ONE is assumed. This parameter is applicable for COMPUTE only. 0..n
 See Common Parameters.

Rulebase to be used for computation of expiry when method is COMPUTE.

string Rulebase for computation of expiry.

Workflow fails if the rulebase parameter is not specified.

(Optional) Flag to indicate that skip creating another work item for users who have already had a work item in this event. string All to indicate that work items should not created for users who had at least one work item in this event.

Last to indicate skipping work items for the those users who had work items in the last work item step. If this parameter is not specified, no skipping is done.

(Optional) Flag for rulebase evaluation by the activity (validations are stored with processlogid and associated with work item). If this flag is disabled, rulebase evaluation is done on the UI. boolean True (default)


(Optional) Threshold used to hide/show warning messages generated during rulebase validation. long 0-99

Default value is 99, show all warning messages.

Keyword or Keyword# Tag work items by adding any number of keywords. string The value of a keyword. For example,
<Parameter name="Keyword" direction="in"eval="constant"type="String"
<Parameter name="Keyword1" direction="in"eval="constant"type="String"
PerspectiveName (Optional) Specify the perspective name defined in a repository.
  • If the perspective name is defined, the record bundle is loaded with a subset of relationships that is defined in the perspective. This improves the bundle loading performance.
  • If you specify the PerspectiveName parameter, the specified perspective must exist in the specified MasterCatalog parameter or MasterCatalog present in an input document of the activity, otherwise an error is displayed.
  • The perspective name specified in the activity gets precedence.
  • If the perspective name is not specified in the activity, it is checked in the MLXML document.
  • If you specify RelationshipName as well as the PerspectiveName in the activity, the perspective name gets precedence.
Note: If the MasterCatalog parameter is not specified, its value is retrieved from the MLXML document.
string Any valid perspective name. For example:
<Parameter direction="in" name="PerspectiveName" type="string" 
  • Multiple perspective names are not allowed.
  • If you specify an incorrect perspective name, an error is displayed.
Direction: Out
(Optional) The number of work items which could not be delegated when delegation was indicated in user profiles. long   0..1
(Optional) Count of the participants which were initially considered for creation of work items.

The parameter is part of the output only when the number of participants for which work items are created are not same as the number of participants passed to the activity. This can happen in case of delegation, use of roles, and invalid users.

long   0..1
MergedDocument A copy of InDocument with workitem data merged from the workitem form result document, which is generated when a workitem is submitted. document Any document 1
(Optional) The number of work items created. long   0..1
(Optional) See Common Parameters.      
(Optional) Names of participants for whom work items were created. string   0..1
(Optional) Number of reminders generated so far. long   0..1
(Optional) The person/memberID for which a timeout or reminder was generated. long   0..1
(Optional) Names of the participants initially selected for creation of work items. string   0..1
OutRecordList This parameter is applicable only when a work item is created for mass update. Contains the record list for approved records in the mass update work item. recordlist output records  
OutRecordList2 This parameter is applicable only when a work item is created for mass update.

Contains the record list for approved records in the mass update work item.

recordlist output records