Registration Keys

When a workflow event is created, some of the data associated with the message is identified as its registration key.

Registration keys allow the workflow engine to detect any data dependency between events for execution.

You can configure the data used for registration keys for incoming JMS messages. For all other channels and workflows spawned by the application and to pre-configure the registration keys, add the following configuration properties in the ConfigValues.xml file under the Messaging Settings category:

  • XPATH_CREATIONDATE: A unique and sequential identifier xpath used for the incoming message.
  • com.tibco.XPATH_REGISTRATIONKEY:A list of xpaths used for the registration keys.

The following is a sample ConfigValues.xml entries:

<ConfValue name="Registration order XPATH" description="XPATH for unique message identifier used for sequencing" propname="XPATH_CREATIONDATE" sinceVersion="7.0" visibility="All">
<ConfString value="//@externalControlNumber" default="//@externalControlNumber"/>
<ConfValue description="Registration keys used for sequencing” listDefault="" propname="com.tibco.XPATH_REGISTRATIONKEY" sinceVersion="7.0" visibility="Advanced">
<ConfListString value="//CatalogItem/ItemData/Attribute[@name='PRODUCTID']/Value/text()" />
<ConfListString value="//CatalogItem/ItemData/Attribute[@name='PRODUCTIDEXT']/Value/text()" />

After the dependencies are established, the workflow engine uses registration order as another event identifier to sequence multiple events. For some events, such as Record Add notification events or spawned events, the Product IDs of the records form the event registration keys in the event. For events generated by FileWatcher, the input map name, catalog name, and data source name form the registration keys.