Text Indexing Enabled Options

The Text Indexing Enabled drop-down list includes the following three options:

  • ONLINE: Referred as Continuous indexing mode. This mode automatically reorganizes the index in case of any add, modify, or delete events.
  • OFFLINE: Referred as User Managed indexing mode. The Continuous indexing mode puts an additional burden on the application. To optimize performance, do indexing offline or index a limited set of repositories. A command line tool is provided for Offline indexing.

    From time to time, the index needs to be optimized. This is essentially a defragmentation process. Until an optimization is triggered, index only marks deleted documents. No physical deletions are applied. During the optimization process, the deletions are applied, which also affect the number of files in the Index directory.

  • NONE: By default, Text Indexing is set to NONE that means both Indexing and Searching are disabled.