Creating Seed Data Manually for SQL Server Database

You can create seed data by using the database setup wizard or through manual configuration.

To install seed data with the database wizard, see Installing Seed Data Using Database Setup Wizard.


Set the SQLSERVER_HOME environment variable before running doall.bat, where the data files are created.


  1. Open the command prompt and type the command to go to the SQL Server directory. For example: C:\> cd %MQ_HOME%\db> cd sqlserver
  2. Open the Configure directory from the SQL Server location. For example: C:\tibco\mdm\version\db\sqlserver> cd configure
  3. Run the doall.bat file. For example: C:\tibco\mdm\version\db\sqlserver\configure>doall.bat
    The script prompts for the following information:
    • IP address or host name of the SQL server
    • the user name and password of an administrator, who can create a database on SQL server
    • the database name that you want to create
    • the new user name that you can use in TIBCO MDM
    • the password of a new user
    • the name of MDM instance
    • the description for the MDM instance
  4. Enter the details. The ddl and seed scripts start running. The scripts create the sequences, procedures, triggers, tables, and indexes, and inserts seed data into the tables. The log files are created in the %MQ_HOME%\db\sqlserver\install\logs folder.
  5. Verify whether the following line is displayed in the console:
    "Option is: isolation level Value: read committed snapshot"

    After the doall.bat script is executed successfully, configure your application server for the newly created SQL database.

  6. Alternative approach: To create seed data, run %MQ_HOME%\db\sqlserver\install\installbasic.bat

    You can verify the installed database in SQL Server Management Studio.