
The three types of tables are standard tables, parent tables, and child tables. The type of table is set at the time the table is created and does not change throughout the life of the table.

Standard Table

A standard table is one which does not share a parent or child relationship with any other table. Joins operations cannot be performed on standard tables.

Parent Table

A table designated as a parent table when it is created, can act as the root, or parent in a join relationship. A parent table can have multiple child tables. The child table is linked to its parent table when it is created. So it is necessary to create the parent table before creating the child table. A parent table cannot be deleted if one or more child tables are linked to it. A parent table cannot be a child table.

Child Table

A table must be designated as a child table when it is created. The parent table of the child table is specified at the time it is created and is fixed for the life of the table and cannot be modified. You cannot have a child table without a parent table.