MDM Specific Maps

The translation maps are located in the $MQ_HOME/common/standard/maps folder.

MDM Specific Maps
File Description
This XSLT is used to translate a process definition from the xpdl2 format to the TIBCO MDM process definition (workflow) format.
This file translates the import workflow request mlXML document to a 'Record Modify' workflow request mlXML document and sets the document type and subtype before spawning the modify record subflow
This file translates the import workflow request mlXML document to a 'Record Delete' document and sets the document type and subtype before spawning the delete record subflow.
This file provides a sample translation map for conversion of record data to PDF. The record data is in the mlXML format, typically output of one of the workflow activities.
This file removes the ebXML wrapper and extracts the mlXML payload from the received message.
This file removes the ebXML wrapper and extracts the mlXML payload from the received message.
This file is used during CommStandardInboundIntgrMsg unmarshalling for converting an ebXML message into the mlXML format. Use this file if the ebXML payload is within CDATA in the envelope.
This file is used during CommStandardInboundIntgrMsg unmarshalling for converting an ebXML message into the mlXML format. Use this file if the ebXML payload is XML and is NOT within CDATA in ebXML envelope.
This file is used during the unmarshalling process for converting an ebXML message into internal commEvent format.
This file is used by the CommStandardOutboundIntgrMsg marshalling pipeline to convert an internal message to the ebXML format before sending it to an external application.
This file is used by the ProcessServiceMessage activity to translate the command type from Query to Update in the response XML before adding it to the response jar file.
During export of metadata (when only repository export is requested), this stylesheet is used to convert application generated metadata into new format which is more structured, has a schema defined and hence offers better validation.
During import of metadata (when only repository import is being processed) this stylesheet is used to convert incoming metadata 
(new format) into the native format which the application s and processes internally. Before this is done, incoming meta data is validated against a schema.
This XSLT is used to translate a process definition from the xpdl2 format to the TIBCO MDM process definition (workflow) format.