Preload Record Types

The preload record types and their description table lists all the record types and their description:

Record Types and Their Descriptions
Record Type Description
CATALOG Preloads metadata for repositories, input maps, and output maps.

Note: The preload of repository metadata is performed for each node in the cluster as this data is stored locally. Also, all the metadata is loaded in one thread for all repositories.

ENTERPRISE Preloads all enterprises.

For each enterprise, all the organizations, users and their permissions or roles are loaded. All enterprises and associated data loading is performed in one thread. This data is loaded for each server and kept locally similar to the CATALOG record type.

PRODUCTKEY Preloads PRODUCTKEYs. To ensure whether the loaded PRODUCTKEYs are not evicted if sufficient memory is available, configure the PRODUCTKEY with eviction. The default cache configuration allows eviction.

For more information on setting up cache for no eviction, refer to Cache Statistics.

RECORD Preloads currently effective records. Draft records are not preloaded.
RECORDMAXMODVERSION Preloads absolute maximum version of a record so that when new version is created, version number is not computed. Some of the versions are always loaded along with the RECORD preload.
SYNCLOG Preloads history of synchronization actions. Preload loads most of the history except for the history that corresponds to the future dated record synchronization.
SYNCRECORD Preloads synchronized record data. This data is used to compute if records should be synchronized when incremental synchronization is requested.

The load is performed for each node in the cluster as this data is stored locally.

GOLDENCOPY Preloads golden copy records. The GOLDENCOPY table stores a copy of the confirmed data. If FastCache is enabled and GOLDENCOPY is selected, the preload for fast cache is initiated. For information on fast cache, refer to Fast Cache.