
IndexEntity displays the indexing configuration and pattern operations for each index entity defined in the IndexerConfig.xml file.

Index Entity Attributes
MBean Name Attribute Name Description
Patterns> Text Indexing Summary > IndexEntityName AttributeList Displays the java.lang.string[number of attributes] link. Click the link to view the Repository Name:Attribute Name pair in the index entity.
Note: The time unit of the following attributes is displayed is milliseconds.
  AverageDurationForIndexedEntry Displays the average time taken to index a record.
  AverageDurationForSearch Displays the average duration taken for searching in the specified index entity.
  EnterpriseName Displays the name of an enterprise.
  CategorySpecificAttributes Displays a list of configured category specific attributes.
  IndexName Displays the name of an index entity.
  IndexedEntryCount Displays the count of records that were indexed.
  JoinTable Indicates if the index entity is a single or join entity.
  MaxDurationForIndexedEntry Displays the maximum time taken to index a record.
  MaxDurationForSearch Displays the maximum time taken for searching records.
  MinDurationForIndexedEntry Displays the minimum time taken to index a record.
  MinDurationForSearch Displays the minimum time taken for searching records.
  RelationshipList Displays the relationship as configured in the IndexerConfig.xml file. The relationship name is displayed in the following format: childrepositoryname:relationsipname.
  RepositoryList Displays a list of child repositories as configured in the IndexerConfig.xml file.
  RootRepository Displays the root repository name.
  SearchCount Displays the number of times a search is performed.
  TimedEntryCountForIndexedEntry Displays a number of indexing (of records) that were timed.
  TimedEntryCountForSearch Displays a number of searches that were timed.
  TotalDurationForIndexedEntry Displays the total time taken to index an entry.
  TotalDurationForSearch Displays the total time taken for searching records in the index entity.
  TotalIndexedEntryCount Displays the total count of records that were indexed.
  TotalSearchCount Displays the total number of searches performed.