Process Records Service

The Process Records web service is a general purpose service to initiate a workflow. The service accepts a variety of inputs and a workflow name.

The web service supports the synchronous and asynchronous execution modes of workflows. You can create a customized workflow based on your requirements. For example, if you want to validate all records against a rulebase. The service creates a workflow request document, and a new event. The event is created using the inputs provided in the request, such as process ID, event type, descriptor, doc type, and subtype. You can specify additional inputs to indicate if sequencing should be done and the key for sequencing.

The service does not validate if inputs specified correlate or make sense: that is entirely up to the workflow fired by the service. For example, a user could specify the data source and attempt import for an input map which does not use the datasource. In this case, you do not need to change the existing import or export workflow. You can customize a workflow and specify the event types in the request file.

Limitation: You cannot import metadata using the process record service because there is no provision for input data attachment.

Note: To run the Process Records web service, resource security permission is defined on the Event resource type. By default, the permission is denied. For information on setting the resource security permission, see "Defining Resource Security" in User's Guide.