Multicast URL Format
tibpgm://[dport]/[interface]/[discovery IP multicast address]/[option=value;]*
- dport indicates destination port
- interface indicates the IP address
- multicast indicates the multicast IP address
- option=value indicates the option user property has value as its value. These parameters must be known to PGM; otherwise, they are ignored.
Unicast URL Format
listen port
- interface: on Windows, the interface can be an IP address or an interface number in a format like IP00 or IP01. For example:
tcp:// or
tcp://IP00/ or
On Linux, the interface can be an IP address or interface number in a format like eth0 or eth1. For example:
tcp:// or
tcp://eth0/ or
- listen port: The listen port can be a user-defined free port on the system. If nothing is specified, then the system chooses an available free port.
If the -log as parameter is used, then the output is
-debug <log_level>
- debug
log level
The default is 3 (INFO). The log information displayed on the console is minimal and cannot be controlled through this parameter. This parameter is only for log files. If a log file is not specified, then the debug (log level) value is ignored
Security Policy File Path (For ActiveSpaces Security)
security policy file path
Refers to the path of a security policy file.
Note: This parameter is mandatory when ActiveSpaces security is applied and if the
startAgent utility works as a
Security Token File Path (For ActiveSpaces Security)
security token file path
Refers to the path of a security token file.
Note: This parameter is mandatory when ActiveSpaces security is applied and the
startAgent utility works as a