Get Custom Work Item Summary Service - Inputs

The table provides the mandatory inputs for this web service.

Input Description
User Name The name of the currently logged-in user.
Password Password of the currently logged-in user.
Enterprise Name Name of the enterprise for which the user is created. This is not required if the new user is created in the same directory as the logged-in user.
Preference Name Name of the work item summary preference.
Level Name Name of the preference level. For example,

You can specify multiple levels. Use the following list of level names:

  • State
  • Intent
  • Repository
  • ActivityName
  • TaskType
  • Result
  • DocType
  • DocSubType
  • Actionable (Workitem Type)
  • User
  • ClosedBy

    For more details on these levels, refer to the TIBCO MDM User’s Guide.

IncludeAllUsers Specify true or false if the work item summary is required for all users or not.