Server Operations

You can perform the following operations on the Server MBean:

  • Shutdown - Execute to shut down the server. However, it retains support for the Server MBean operations so that the server can be restarted.
  • Bootup - Execute to start an already shutdown the server. All MBeans are also initialized as configured.
  • Unregister - Execute after the Shutdown operation to remove the Server MBean itself. After the Server MBean is unregistered, JMX cannot be used to boot up the server.
  • Preload - Execute to initiate the preload. If you have previously performed the Preload operations, you must first clear its corresponding status from the PRELOADSTATUS cache. PreloadManager name is an input to this method. If you use out-of-the-box preload manager, you do not need to specify any name.
  • ShutdownAndClose - Execute to shut down server and remove the Server MBean. After this operation is executed, JMX cannot be used to boot up the server.
  • Suspend - Execute to suspend all channels, such as JMS, UI Login, and HTTP including FileWatcher and Revivify. Any changes made to configuration through JMX (that is, maximum number of concurrent UI logins) are retained.
  • Resume - Execute to resume all the channels including FileWatcher and Revivify. FileWatcher and Revivify are reinitialized using configuration files similar to initial start. For other channels, configuration changes made using JMX are retained.
  • Start - Execute to start all channels including FileWatcher and Revivify. For components to start correctly, they must be stopped first. If start is attempted when one of the component is already running, the start command ignores the component.
    Note: For FileWatcher and Revivify, the Suspend and Stop operations work exactly the same, both these operations stop the process. Similarly, the Resume and Start operations work the same. Configuration is loaded from configuration files.
  • getQueuedProcessCount or getQueuedEventCount - Execute to view any queued events or processes, which are waiting for other workflows to finish.
  • Maintain a log of missing resources
  • Verify that the JMS and database connections can be made
  • Generate alerts when any timing log exceeds configured threshold, such as subsystem or workflow failures
  • Reset any alerts reported

For other common Server operations, refer to Common Operations