Viewing Cross-Repository Relationships

You can view a hierarchy of relationships established by a record by taking a look at the View Record screen of the source repository. Relationships are displayed as a tree starting from the source repository and moving further down the hierarchy till the child record is visible. If you select the source record, the View Record screen displays all forward cross-repository and simple relationships. If you select any of the related records, the View Record screen will display cross-repository relationship and simple relationships in both directions - forward and reverse.


  1. Click Browse and Search.
  2. Select the repository name from the Repository Name drop-down list.
  3. Click View All Records. A list of records is displayed.
  4. Click the record ID of the record that you want to view. The View Record screen is displayed.
  5. Expand the recordID and recordID extension node to view the related record for each relationship. The related record details are displayed at the right side of the screen.
  6. Click the plus sign next to any relationship in the left pane to expand the relationship.
  7. Click a related record to view the relationship details. The details are displayed in the right pane.
  8. Click the OK button when you have finished viewing the relationships.