Work Item Query Parameters Service - Outputs

The list of query parameters for work lists supported by the system is returned by the service.

Entity Data

  • FromDate — The start date from which the work list is required.
  • ToDate — The end date until which the work list is required.
  • RecordAttribute — Value of a record attribute.
  • Eventreference — The ID of the event for which work items need to be searched.
  • ShowActionsFirst — Specifies whether action items should be shown first.
  • PRODUCTID — ID of the record.
  • PRODUCTIDEXT — Extension of the record. Optionally used to identify a record.
  • States — The state of the work items.
  • Datapools — Name of the datapool involved in the workflow.
  • Partners — Name of the partner involved in the workflow.
  • WorkitemTypes — Type of work item. Valid values are "Notifications" and "Action Items".
  • DocumentTypes — The document type associated with the work item.
  • DocumentSubTypes — The document sub type associated with the work item.
  • Owners — The username of the owner of the work item.
  • MasterCatalogNames — The name of the repository which contains the records.

In case the query does not have a valid value list, it is represented as an empty attribute. For example:

<Attribute name=”ToDate” type="date"/>