Restoring Records

The Restore option allows you to restore an older version of a record. It also restores deleted versions of a record. The Restore option restores record data as well as relationship data.

If you are making changes to the latest version of a record but at the same time it is being updated and saved by another user, the version you are working on will no longer be the latest. In such a case, you can use the Restore option to update to the latest version of the record.


  1. Click Browse and Search. From the Repository Name drop-down list, select the name of the repository.
  2. Click the View All button. A list of records is displayed.
  3. Click the record ID of the record that you want to view. The View Record screen is displayed.
  4. Click Show History. The Record History screen is displayed.
  5. Click the earlier version of a record that you want to restore. The View Record screen is displayed with a warning message.
  6. Click Restore. The Record Restore screen is displayed with a warning message. If you want to update the record to its latest version, click the link shown in the warning message.
    Note: If you have clicked the latest version of a record on the Record History screen, the Restore option is not displayed.
  7. Make the necessary changes and click Save and Process. The updated Record History screen is displayed with addition of a new version of a record.
  8. Click OK. The View Record screen is displayed.
  9. Click OK to go back to the Browse and Search screen.
    Note: When a record is in a workflow, it cannot be restored and the Restore option is not be displayed.