Installing Language Pack


  • Download the JAR file of the language pack that you want to install.
  • Ensure that the following environment variables are properly set:
    • $MQ_HOME: The TIBCO MDM install location.
    • $JAVA_HOME: JDK 7 or later.
    • $MQ_COMMON_DIR: The TIBCO MDM Common directory.


  1. Log in to Configurator.
  2. Navigate to Tools > Language Pack Installer.
    The Install or Uninstall Language Pack window is displayed. By default, the Install option is selected.

  3. Click Browse and select the JAR file location of the language pack.
    The selected language pack name is displayed on the Install or Uninstall Language Pack window.

  4. Click Finish.
    The Language pack installed successfully message is displayed.
    • The content of the JAR file is copied to the $MQ_COMMON_DIR/Work/resources/tiblp.jar file.
    • The language code entry is made in the $MQ_COMMON_DIR/Work/languagePack/prop/ file.
    Note: If you have installed JBoss WildFly Application Server, create the JBoss module as mentioned in Module Creation, and then perform the following tasks:
    • Copy the tiblp.jar file from $MQ_COMMON_DIR/Work/resources into the $JBOSS_HOME/modules/system/layers/base/com/tibco/mdm/maindirectory.
    • Open the module.xml file and add the following entry in the <resources> tag:
      <resource-root path="tiblp.jar"/>

What to do next

Restart the application server manually, where TIBCO MDM is deployed.