Supplied Marshalers and Unmarshalers

Supplied Marshallers and Unmarshallers
Property Description
ByteStreamMessageContentMarshaler This marshaler accepts message content in the form of an inputStream and creates a BytesMessage. The preceding marshaler must output the input stream for the pipeline to work.
SerialiazableMessageContentMarshaler This marshaler accepts a serializable object and coverts it into an ObjectMessage.
SerializableOptimizedMessageContentFromMessageContentMarshaler This marshaler accepts a message content carrier, extracts a serializable object (content), and replaces it with a serializable object handle. The serializable object handle is a utility class, which can detect low memory conditions, and which writes itself to disk to free up memory.
StringMessageContentMarshaler This marshaler accepts a string and converts it to a TextMessage.
UTFStringMessageContentMarshaler This marshaler accepts a string and converts it to BuyesMessage (uses writeUTF method to write data).
CustomStdIntgrInboundMessageContentToMessageContentMarshaler This marshaler accepts message content as a map and processes the values in the map to derive more values. You can use this class as a sample to create custom marshalers.
CustomStdIntgrOutboundMessageContentToMessageContentMarshaler This marshaler accepts message content as a map and processes the values in the map to derive more values. You can use this class as a sample to create custom marshalers.
XMLFromMessageContentCarrierMessageContentProcessor This can be used as both marshaler and unmarshaler. This processor works on message content as a filename. It also accepts a set of mandatory and optional keys, and an input XML document. The keys themselves are specified as XPATH. 

While marshaling, it extracts the values from the message content, and maps it into the XML file. A new XML file is output. While unmarshaling, the processor resolves the XPATH on the XML document, and sets the values in the message content carrier.
XSLEnvelopeMessageContentProcessor This can be used as both marshaler and unmarshaler. This processor works on message content as a filename. It transforms the file using the specified XSL to add an envelope. The transformed file is saved as message content.
MapToMessageContentCarrierMessageContentProcessor This can be used as marshaler or unmarshaler. It transforms message content and sets the specified keys in the message content (map). If mandatory keys are not found, message processing fails.
MapFromMessageContentCarrierMessageContentProcessor This can be used as marshaler or unmarshaler. It transforms message content and sets the specified keys in the message content carrier (map). If mandatory keys are not found, message processing fails.
ByteStreamMessageContentUnmarshaler This unmarshaler accepts a BytesMessage and returns an InputStream.
SerialiazableMessageContentUnmarshaler This unmarshaler accepts an ObjectMessage and extracts an object from it.
SerializableOptimizedMessageContentFromMessageContentUnmarshaler This unmarshaler accepts a message content carrier, extracts a serializable object handle, and converts it to a seriablizable object.
StringMessageContentUnmarshaler This unmarshaler accepts a TextMessage and extracts string content.
UTFStringMessageContentUnmarshaler This marshaler accepts a BytesMessage and extracts string from it using the readUTF method.