Multiple JBoss Instances on One Machine

Multiple instances of JBoss WildFly Application Server can run on a single machine provided you have the necessary system resources such as RAM or CPU. These instances can be clustered or run independently depending on your business requirements.

Running multiple instances:

  • Scaling: you may need to test horizontal scaling of the application to determine if you have enough system resources available.
  • Isolation: you may require complete isolation of your applications if one application is unstable and negatively impacts the other applications.
  • QA: you might like a separate QA environment which is isolated from the development environment on the same box.
  • JBoss WildFly Application Server version dependencies: you may have multiple applications with some applications requiring version X of JBoss WildFly Application Server or version Y of JBoss WildFly Application Server.
  • JVM version dependencies: one application may require JDK 1.7 and another application may require JDK 1.8. JBoss WildFly Application Server can use either, therefore you can launch one instance using 1.7 and another instance using 1.8 (unclustered).