GDSN Overview

Global Data Synchronization Network (GDSN) functionality is provided through a GDSN plugin component.

Most of the functionality between MDM and GDSN is common. The GDSN plug-in provides incremental functionality specific to GDSN. This plugin includes GDSN specific workflows, maps, rulebases and so on. GDSN specific screens and functionality will not be available with MDM edition.

You can use the following features of the GDSN Plugin:

  • CIM to CIM Synchronization
  • Creation of Enterprises of type Integration Hub, Retailer
  • Default catalog formats and user accounts for a trading partner
  • GDSN related Data (such as output maps and catalog formats specific to 1Sync and AS2)
  • Incremental Resource Bundles
Note: When the GDSN plugin is installed, resource bundles are not be switched automatically. This is to enable the MDM installation to continue using the terminology even if the GDSN plug-in is installed. You can switch the language bundle through the Software Edition property.