Changing the Superuser Password

After logging in, you can change the password from UI using My Account Profile and Modify User screens.


  1. Using My Account Profile Screen
    1. Click User name-Company name on the upper right corner of the main UI screen. The My Account Profile screen is displayed.
    2. Type the old password in the Old Password field.
    3. Type the new password in the Password field.
    4. Re-type the new password in the Re-enter Password field.
    5. Click Save. The new password is saved.
  2. Using Modify User Screen
    1. Click Administration > User Accounts. The User Accounts screen is displayed.
    2. Select the check box next tadmin user name.
    3. Click Modify. The Modify User screen is displayed.
    4. Type the new password in the Password field.
    5. Re-type the new password in the Re-enter Password field.
    6. Click Save. The new password is saved.