Specifying NonMatching Attributes

If you want to display non-matching attributes of two different repositories in the work item, specify those in the catalogvalidation.xml file of the source repository.


  1. Navigate to the $MQ_COMMON_DIR/<enterprise IternalName>/catalog/master/<specific repositoryID> directory.
  2. Open the catalogvalidation.xml file.
  3. Specify the non-matching attributes.
    For example,
    			 <description>match attribute List RRMMappingAttributes. Each attribute must be qualified by EntityName.</description>
    				<const type="string">CustomerStaging:CITY=CustomerReference:BANKNAME</const>
    Note: The Array name must be RRMMappingAttributes.

    Based on this list, the attributes are displayed in the work item. You can merge matching and non-matching attributes.

    Note: You cannot merge multiple attributes of a source repository into a single attribute of a target repository. Hence, in this example you cannot map the AccNo attribute of the CustomerReference repository to the CustomerStaging repository. The non-mapping attributes are not displayed in the work item.