Merge Record Service Inputs

Merge Record Service Inputs
Input Name Description
execmode Specify the execution mode. The valid value is ASYNCHR, that is, the asynchronous execution mode of a workflow.
commandQualifier Specify the command qualifier. The supported command qualifiers are:
  • Validate/Process (Default)
  • Validate/NoProcess
  • NoValidate/Process
  • NoValidate/NoProcess
User name Login ID of the user.
Password Password for the specified user name.
Enterprise Name of the enterprise.
Record Specify the repository name, record ID, extension, and version. The version is optional. The web service validates that the specified repository exists.
Merge Attributes Specify the source record ID, extension, and version. Also, specify the action on source record. For example, Delete action. Specify the attribute name.
Edit Attributes (Optional) Specify the attribute name and its value.
Relationships Specify any one of the following action types:
  • AddNew
  • Modify
  • Delete
Specify the relationship name, repository name, record ID, extension, and version. For relationship attributes, specify the parent and child source record ID, extension, and version.
Relationships Edit Attributes Specify the attribute name and its value.