Visor Commands

Visor Commands. The following are commonly used commands available in Visor:
Command Description
ack Acknowledges arguments on all remote nodes
alert Alerts for user-defined events
cache Prints cache statistics, clears cache, and prints a list of all entries from cache
close Disconnects Visor console from the grid
config Prints node configuration
deploy Copies file or folder to remote host
disco Prints topology change log
events Print events from a node
gc Runs GC on remote nodes
help Prints Visor console help
kill Kills or restarts node
log Starts or stops grid-wide events logging
mclear Clears Visor console memory variables
mget Gets Visor console memory variables
mlist Prints Visor console memory variables
node Prints node statistics
open Connects Visor console to the grid
ping Pings node
quit Quits from Visor console
start Starts or restarts nodes on remote hosts
status Prints Visor console status
tasks Prints tasks execution statistics
top Prints current topology
vvm Opens VisualVM for nodes in topology