Subset by Search

Subset based on a search allows you to search for record interactively and save the selection. Such subsets can also be reused in record search. You can specify the search criteria and select the desired records from the search results.

If you have the appropriate privileges, you can specify the searchable fields for attributes. However, there are default searchable fields that cannot be changed. You can also specify which attributes are shown as the result of a search. This feature affects the Subset Search and Search Results screens.

  • Subset Search: This screen allows you to conduct search based on attributes marked as searchable when repository is defined. Searchable fields (attributes) appear on the screen when the associated search flag is set to Y. Default fields include Classification Scheme, Code, and Description. The searchable fields are not necessarily displayed fields under subset by search.
  • Search Results: Results from a search are shown under column headings in accordance to the searchable attributes. Corresponding values are also displayed.