Defining a New Queue for Outgoing Messages

When a new queue is defined for sending messages to other applications, you need to define the following:


  1. Sender manager to send messages from external queues to internal queues of TIBCO MDM.
  2. Receiver Manager for the messages. This receiver is used to receive messages from external queues.
  3. An unmarshaling pipeline to extract messages sent from TIBCO MDM on internal queue to transfer to external queue.
  4. A communication context to associate with the Receiver manager, to specify the properties not already attached to the message by the sender.
  5. A sender manager to send messages from MDM internal queues to external applications.
  6. Marshaling pipeline to format messages and assign headers. TIBCO MDM will invoke this pipeline to transform the message as it is transferred from internal queues to external queues.


All messages are sent from the application destined for external queues are first sent to one queue, CommStandardOutboundIntgMsgQueue. No queue needs to be set up.

Outgoing Message Process