InitiateSubFlow Parameters and Valid Execution Modes

The valid execution mode for InitiateSubFlow is SYNCHR.

The parameters of InitiateSubFlow are as follows:

InitiateSubFlow Parameters
Name Semantics Type Valid Values Multi-plicity
Direction: In
Any parameter
(Optional) This activity accepts any parameter. All input parameters are passed to the called workflow. Any of the supported parameter types    
(Mandatory) See Common Parameters.      


See Common Parameters.

To pass the InRecordList parameter as an input parameter to the subflow, specify the similar external name for the recordlist in the subflow. For example,

  • In InitiateSubflow:
    <Parameter direction="in" name="InRecordList" type="recordlist" eval="variable">WorkrecordList</Parameter>
  • In Subflow:
    <Parameter direction="in" name="InRecordList" type="recordlist" eval="variable">2</Parameter>
ProcessID The name of the workflow to execute.

If the workflow is specified, it is retrieved from the specified location. The location must be relative to MQ_COMMON_DIR.

If workflow is not specified, the workflow is selected using the Process Definition Selection business rule. For details on selecting the workflow, refer to Workflow Process Selection.

string The workflow file name along with the relative path of MQ_COMMON_DIR. 0..1
Direction: Out
<Any parameter> Any output parameters defined can be mapped from the called workflows. The output parameter names must match the output parameters defined in the called workflow.

First returned document is set in OUTDOCUMENT.

Any of the supported parameter types.    
(Optional) See Common Parameters.      
(Optional) See Common Parameters.

If the priority is not specified, event priority is inherited by the new message.