Localize Text Strings

The application supports multiple locales of the application. Currently, the application uses HTML templates to generate the user interface which is viewed in a browser on the client side.

These templates contain static text written in English. The text also exists in other locations such as JavaScript functions and images displayed on the user interface, database tables, rulebase, and workflow templates.

This release provides a framework which helps you reduce the workload in maintaining multiple locales. It provides a mechanism to localize the static text in various files to the required locale.

You can localize the strings in the following areas in various languages:

  • HTML pages
  • JavaScript files
  • Database tables
  • Strings displayed on the UI
  • Error messages displayed on the UI
  • GI screens
  • Predefined attribute groups
    Note: The following areas cannot be customized:
    • Email templates
    • Business Process Rule templates