Searching Records Based on Classification

You can search records based on their classification and for which you have defined category specific attributes


  1. Click Browse and Search.
  2. From the Repository Name drop-down, select the repository that includes classification scheme.
  3. Click the Search link on the Browse and Search screen. By default, category specific attributes are not displayed.
  4. In the left pane, expand the Classification name.
  5. Expand the category tree.
  6. Select the sub category. The Category Specific Attributes related to selected classification are displayed in the search criteria.
    Note: Attributes that are marked as searchable and configured from the Configure dialog are displayed in the search criteria.
  7. Check the Show Inherited attributes checkbox to include inherited attributes. Attributes that are inherited from the parent category are called as inherited attributes. The inherited attributes are displayed.
  8. Select operator from Operators drop-down list. A Value drop-down list appears only when a drop-down is defined for a category specific attribute in the searchcontrol.xml rule file.
  9. Click Search. The search values are displayed on the Browse and Search screen.