Deprecated Operators

The following attributes are deprecated. Instead, use the operator attribute to specify the required criteria.

Record Query - Deprecated and Equivalent Operators
Deprecated Operator Description Equivalent Operator
lowerLimit Specifies the lower limit of the numeric range. When only the lower limit is specified, all the records with a value greater than and equal to the lower limit are returned. gt
upperLimit Specifies upper limit of the numeric range. When only the upper limit is specified, all the records with a value less than or equal to the upper limit are returned. lt
after Specifies the lower limit of the date range. When only <after> is specified, all the records with a date greater than and equal to the <after> date are returned.

Note: The DD-MM-YY date format is not supported.

before Specifies the upper limit of the date range. When only <before> is specified, all the records with a date less than and equal to the <before> date are returned.

Note: The DD-MM-YY date format is not supported.

exact Specifies whether an exact match of the string needs to be done. When <exact> is set to true, an exact match of the string is returned.

By adding the ‘*’ or ‘%’ character to the external keys, a SQL ‘LIKE’ equivalent comparison can also be performed.

Instead of exact="true", use operator ="eq".

Instead of exact="false", use operator="lk".