Configuring Apache Web Server Plug-in with WebLogic

You can configure Apache plug-in configuration for WebLogic Application Server.


  1. Copy the file to the $APACHE_HOME /modules folder.
  2. Modify the httpd.conf file located in the $APACHE_HOME/conf directory. You need read write permission to modify this configuration file.
    1. Search for Dynamic Shared Object (DSO) Support within Httpd.conf and append the listing with:
      LoadModule weblogic_module modules/
    2. Search for Bring in additional module-specific configurations within Httpd.conf and add the following lines:
      <IfModule mod_weblogic.c>
         Include conf/weblogic.conf
    3. Search for server-info within httpd.conf and add:
      <Location /eml> 
        SetHandler weblogic-handler</Location>
  3. Create a weblogic.conf file in the $APACHE_HOME/conf directory.
  4. Add the following properties to the weblogic.conf file. Maintain a single space between a property name and property value:

    WebLogicHost weblogic-host-name

    WebLogicPort weblogic-port

    PathTrim null