Custom Query Config

The CustomQueryConfig.xml is used for the weights and the match cases to the Customer model. This file is available in MQ_COMMON_DIR\<EnterpriseName>\rulebase or MQ_COMMON_DIR\standard\rulebase.The various tags in the configuration file are explained in the table:

Tag Names Description
QletList Specify the list of query lets in this field.
MatchCaseList Specify the weights for the matchcase in this field.
QletConfig Specify the weights, queries, and thesaurus in the query let configuration.
QletClassName Specify the query builder class name which needs to be instantiated. This class should extend AINetricsQueryBuilder.
Description Specify the description of the query let.
QletInputRepName Specify the base name of the repository as it appears in the search entity. It is used by the query builder class. If the parent entity is used then this field must be empty or null.
QletOutputTableName Specify the table name as it appears in Patterns.
QletIndexEntityName Specify the index entity name if the tablename is not defined.
QletFields Specify only If you want remapping of base field names. This allows us to use entirely different field names. The name must be given as known in the query builder class. That is, its default field name, and the new name.
QletInputFields Specify the input remapping fields.
QletFieldDef Specify the default name and the new name of the remapping. The names must be as known to the query builder class.
QletOutputFields Specify the output remapping fields.
QletParams Specify the extra prameters that must be used like thesaurus.
MatchCase Specify the matchcase defined as per the use case.
MatchStrength Specify the strength score for the match case defined.
MatchThresholds Specify the thresholds score for the match case defined.
MatchWeights Specify the weights score for the match case defined.
MatchPenalties Specify the penalities score for the match case defined.