Selecting Workflows


  1. Click the Select button next to the workflows option on the Export Configuration summary screen. The Select Workflows screen is displayed with a list of available standard workflows.

    The Workflow Scope list represents the scope of the workflow, that is, whether the workflow is deployed at an enterprise level or at a standard level. If workflow is defined at the enterprise level, the enterprise name is displayed and if it is defined at the standard level, standard is displayed.

    A list of worklfows is retrieved from the ConfigurationDefinition table.

  2. From the Available Workflows list, select the workflow and click to move it to the Selected Workflows list.
  3. Click the Done button to go back to the Export Configuration summary screen.


  4. Click the Next button to go to the Select Rulebases screen.
    Note: For workflows to be listed in the wizard, an entry must exist in the ConfigurationDefinition database table. Workflows deployed using TIBCO MDM Studio have entries in ConfigurationDefinition table, and therefore can be exported using the Export Metadata Wizard.