Configuring ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks project (Sample)

Before testing the ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks project, verify that the Endpoint URL points to the correct server.


  1. Send a Message: whenever a record is added to a repository, a message is sent to the sample ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks project. To send a message to an external system, (in this case, the ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks project), you need to modify the following workflow file: $MQ_COMMON_DIR/standard/workflow/wfin26productaddapprovalv3.xml
    1. Uncomment the following line from the GetItemData activity of wfin26productaddapprovalv3.xml:
      <Activity Name="GetItemData">
       <Parameter direction="in" name="BackEndIntegration" type="string" eval="constant">Y</Parameter>
    2. Add a record to any repository.
    • A message is sent to the ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks project Sample on a preconfigured outbound queue, CimBK2IntegrationOutboundIntgrMsg.
    • The AddRecord workflow activity remains suspended until the ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks project sends back a response.
    • Status for the RecordAdd event in the Event Log is In Progress. You can verify from the EMS admin console that the message has been sent on the required queue.
  2. Define Queues: the following queues have already been defined in Configurator:
    • To send messages from the ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks project to TIBCO MDM

      For information, refer to Creating an Outbound Queue.

    • To send a response with updated record data from the ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks project to TIBCO MDM 

      For information, refer to Creating an Inbound Queue.

  3. Important Properties of Queues
    1. Outbound queue: CimBK2IntegrationOutboundIntgrMsg
      • Payload packaging queue name: BK_INTEGRATION_OUT_2
    2. Inbound queue: CimBK2IntegrationInboundIntgrMsg
      • Physical queue name: Q_CIM_CUSTOMIZATION_BK2_INBOUND_INTGR_MSG
      • PayloadPackagingScheme name: BK_INTEGRATION_IN_2
      • XSL file: $MQ_COMMON_DIR/standard/maps/mpfromebxml21envelopetomlxml_Sample.xsl
(Used for removing EBXML wrapper and extract payload from received message)
      • Location of XPath property file: MQ_HOME/config/Sample_xpath.props

        For a detailed description on how to create these queues, see (insert xref here).

  4. Workflow
    The workflow file used for this implementation is: $MQ_COMMON_DIR/standard/workflow/wfin26BackEndIntegrationV1_Sample.xml