Specifying Matching Attributes


  • To match records, specify matching attributes in a rulebase file.

    For example, refer to the MatchAttrList.xml file located in the $MQ_COMMON_DIR/standard/rulebase folder. Using matching attributes, you can search for close, not necessarily exact, matching records.

    Note: If you copy the MatchAttrList.xml file in $MQ_COMMON_DIR\enterprise internal Name\rulebase folder, you must change its location in relevant workflow files.
    Note: While specifying index entity attributes in the rulebase:
    • Ensure that the number of attributes specified in MatchAttributeArray and IndexEntityAttributes must match, otherwise the IndexEntityAttributes are ignored.
    • Specify the RepositoryName followed by the attribute name. Entity name specified for a target repository is the target repository name specified in the IndexerConfig.xml file.
    • In the case of RRM (reference repository matching), specify the MatchingAttributes and IndexEntityAttributes in the hierarchy level because the MatchRecord activity uses the MatchAttributesArray and IndexEntityAttributes in the exact specified order. For example, if CustomerStaging:FIRSTNAME is the first attribute specified under MatchAttributesArray, and CustomerReferenceEntity:FNAME is the first attribute specified under IndexEntityAttributes, the MatchRecord activity accesses the FIRSTNAME attribute’s value (For example, JOHN) from the CustomerStaging record and uses this value to query the CustomerReference index entity using the FName attribute.