Sample TestCases

You may want to configure sample TestCases your project.

Sample Test Cases
Scenario Description
Defining Multiple TestSteps - Adding, Deleting, and Querying Records In this scenario, you need to define multiple TestSteps in a TestCase for adding, deleting, or querying a record. For example,
  • A step for adding a record followed by a step for validating its response against a master file.
  • A step for deleting a record followed by a step for validating its response against master file.

    A step for querying a record followed by a step for validating its response.

Setting Assertions - Adding and Importing Records In this scenario, you need to set an assertion.

Set using the following two types:

  • XPATHContains
  • SLA (Service Level Agreement)

Assertions are a part of the TestStepProperties element. The Properties of assertions are key-value pairs where the key names are predefined. That is, for the XPATHContains assertion, the PATH and EXPECTEDCONTENT keys are mandatory. For SLA assertion, the RESPONSETIME key is mandatory.

These assertion types are set at runtime. Other assertion types, supported by soapUI, can be set as permanent assertions for a particular step in the soapUI project XML file. These need to be set for all test runs.

Adding Records Using XPATHContains To execute the Add Record request and expect the SuccessCount to 2.
Setting Permissions for Records You can set permissions based on the Data Extractor web service.