Starting AS-Agent

Start the AS-Agent by running the startASAgent.bat file.


Before starting the AS-Agent, copy ECMClasses.jar from $MQ_HOME/lib/mq to $AS_HOME/lib. By default, the cim_ms is defined for the Metaspace Name property in Configurator and 512 is defined for the Memory attribute in the CacheConfig.xml file. You can change these values.


  1. To start AS-Agent, run the startASAgent.bat file located at $MQ_HOME/bin.
  2. Based on the specified parameters in the startASAgent.bat file, you are prompted to enter the values of environment variables. For example,
    • the Metaspace Name
    • the Discovery URL
    • the Listen URL
  3. Invoke the following command from the $MQ_HOME/bin directory to display the help for AS-Agent:
    C:\tibco\mdm\version\bin\as\version\lib>java -jar as-agent.jar


The following is the output of the Help request. If you do not specify any parameter, it includes the default values.
      -metaspace <metaspace_name>  default ms
      -multicast <multicast_url>   default tibrv://
      -unicast <unicast_url>       default tcp://
      -log <log_file>
	      -debug <log_level>           default 3 (INFO)
Multicast url format:
Unicast url format:
      tcp://interface/listen port