Profile Delegation

As an administrator or a user with appropriate privileges, you can delegate work items to users within a specific role. The list of users to whom you can delegate depends on the roles you can delegate work items to. Once you have defined the roles you wish to delegate work items to, activate delegation for a set of users holding the role.

For example, as an administrator, you might have defined a role delegation to anybody who is a Channel Manager. If U1, U2, U3, and U4 are playing the role of Channel Manager, you can now activate delegation for either U1 and U4, or for all of them. Use the Delegation Profile section to activate delegations to set the period of time you want the delegation to be active, and reassign work items to selected users playing a specific role.

The following are the fields in the Delegation Profile:

Delegating Profile Fields
Field Name Description
Activate Delegation Select this option to activate delegation to selected users. Once delegation is activated, any work item assigned to you will be automatically delegated to selected users.
Continue delegation until de-activated Select this option to bypass the start and end date of a delegation. If you select this option, the delegation will continue to be in effect until you clear the Activate Delegation option.
Send notification if work is delegated Select this option to notify users that they have work items delegated to them. Once the work item is delegated to another user in the system, an alert message is displayed when the user logs in to the company.
Start Date The date on which delegation is activated.
End Date The date on which the delegation is deactivated.
Delegated Roles Lists the roles that you can delegate work items to. If you want to add more roles in this list, refer to Role Delegation. Under Delegated Roles, you will see the following lists:
  • Available Users: A list of users available for the selected Delegated Role.
  • Selected Users: The selected users for whom you wish to activate delegation.