Repository Management

  • Default Attribute Length — While defining String attributes for repository, data sources or synchronization formats, if length is not specified, this default length is used. Specified in number of characters.
  • Import Error Threshold — Default error count threshold for number of rows found to be in error in an import.
  • Record Compare Mode — If 'All' is specified, all attributes are shown on the record compare screen. If more than 2 records are selected, the View Option = Changes is not supported, All will be used.
  • Import Parent Record Version State — Parameter to indicate which previous record version should be used to merge incoming record data during Import. If value is LATEST, the incoming record data is merged with latest Confirmed/UnConfirmed version of the record. If value is set to CONFIRMED, the incoming record data is merged with latest Confirmed version. Default value is CONFIRMED.
  • Text Indexing Enabled — Setting this flag allows you to use text indexing and searching of the records. Valid choices for this value are:
    • NONE: Text Indexing and Text Searching are disabled.
    • OFFLINE: Text Indexing is done during off-peak hours using a console run utility scheduled by an administrator. Text Searching is enabled.
    • ONLINE: Text Indexing is automatically initiated while the data is changed. Text Searching is enabled.