Receiver Properties

You can define the following receiver properties

Receiver Properties
Property Description Valid Values
Class Specifies the implementation class, which implements the receiver. Many predefine receivers are provided.
  • com.tibco.mdm.integration.messaging.util.MqMessageReceiverManager

    For most cases, use MqMessageReceiverManager unless instructed otherwise.

poolSize Specifies the number of listeners in the pool. Any integer in the range of 0-9.

0 disables the listener.

destType Specifies the interface that is implemented.
  • com.tibco.mdm.integration.messaging.queue.IMqQueue if the receiver is for a queue.
  • com.tibco.mdm.integration.messaging.bus.IMqTopic if the receiver is for a topic
destName Specifies a logical queue name. Any name. Characters must be in the range a-z or A-Z, and must not exceed 30 characters.
msgListenerPropsKeyPrefix A prefix to associate the receiver with a property key. Specifies additional properties for receivers. This is required only for receivers. It provides a key to define additional properties specific to the implementation class for the listener.

The listener is message aware class which knows how to handle the incoming message.

ConnShareMode Signifies an inbound queue receiver share mode. Defines how connections can be shared. Valid values are
  • useClusterDefConn – Shares the connection in the cluster.
  • useDestDefConn – Shares the connection for the listeners and senders on a topic.
  • useExclusiveConn – Does not shares the connections.

Default value is useDestDefConn.

msgAckmode Signifies an inbound queue receiver acknowledgement mode. Defines how to acknowledge messages to JMS. Valid values are
  • autoAck – Maps to JMS Session. AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE, that is, automatically acknowledges the messages.
  • clientAck – Maps to JMS Session. CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE, that is, client acknowledges the messages explicitly.
  • dupsOKAck – maps to JMS Session. DUPS_OK_ACKNOWLEDGE, that is, session acknowledges the messages slowly and can allow duplicates to be delivered.

Default value is autoAck.

For example:

For the msgListenerPropsKeyPrefix, you need to define a property to map it to an implementation class as follows:

<ConfValue name="Inbound provide desc" propname="com.tibco.cim.init.MyIntegrationInboundIntgrMsgQueueListener.class" sinceVersion="7.0" visibility="All">
   <ConfString value="com.tibco.mdm.integration.messaging.JMSCommMessageListener" default="com.tibco.mdm.integration.messaging.JMSCommMessageListener" />